For Adults
Whatever your age or background, you can find an activity to suit you at Headley Park Church.

Christianity Explored
Church Nights/Refresh Groups

Coffee Stop
A coffee morning ‘with a difference’ for the over 60s! It’s an opportunity to meet new friends over a hot drink and a delicious piece of cake. Also includes board games, curling, knitting, jigsaws and even Tenpin bowling on the Nintendo Wii. There are occasional trips out and afternoon activities. At the end of the morning a short ‘thought for the day’ is given. Mondays from 10.30am to 12.00.
Women's Events
We have a series of events planned throughout the year especially for women, including regular brunches. The aim of these is to bring together ladies of all ages, to meet socially, have fun together and to encourage one another in the joys and challenges we face as women. All are welcome, so if you are local to the church and would like to join us, we’d love to see you! For more info contact us.

Men’s Breakfasts
We hold regular breakfast events on Saturdays for men of all ages and backgrounds. A full English Breakfast will be followed by a thought-provoking talk. Contact us for more info.
OWLS (Older, Wiser, Lighthearted and Sociable)
We’re a group for anyone aged 50+ at Headley Park Church. We organise quarterly events such as a Christmas meal and trips to Westonbirt and Tyntesfield.